DOMAIN(S): Dealing with medical issues relating to illness both chronic and acute, mitigating the effects of medical trauma while handling a medical emergency
PERSONALITY: Morbidly funny, fascinated by anatomy and physiology and medical history, sharp and quick on his feet in an emergency. Difficult to spook and unfazed by horrific medical issues; very unsqueamish. Much less shy about sharing information that most of the alters in my system; loves to analytically discuss everything that is wrong with our genetic nightmare of a body. Walking talking Merck Manual.
INTERNAL APPEARANCE: Plague doctor outfit, but it's not a costume, that's just his body. Glowing red eyes and dusky gray-blue leather robes. Bird feet.
GENDER: Plague doctor (he/him)
VIBES: Hazmat suits, syringes, overenthusiastic medical students, glowing green vials, biology class dissections, reading textbooks about pathophysiology for fun, resurrectionists